Life is our Curriculum

"Whatever an education is, it should make you a unique individual, not a conformist; it should furnish you with an original spirit with which to tackle the big challenges; it should allow you to find values which will be your road map through life; it should make you spiritually rich, a person who loves whatever you are doing, wherever you are, whomever you are with; it should teach you what is important, how to live and how to die." – John Taylor Gatto

Location: United States

Sunday, October 03, 2004

On the road again...

Or rather, writing in a blog again. I had a blog for several years at open diary. I let it go for a while and it got deleted. I'd forgotten now nice it was to sit and write my thoughts out. I have two little children and I keep thinking that I should be writing down things about them in a journal of some sort but I am the worlds biggest procrastinator. So here I am with a blog once aagin. I don't know that I will write in it that much due to lack of time but I will try. I am writing this for me, to remember the events of my life, and to record the childhood of my little ones. I am writing this so that the little things of today are not forgotten tomorrow.

Tomorrow my contractor will be back to install more windows. We had seven put in on friday and we have ten still to go. It may take two more days to finish up as they also have to do some trim work on the outside. It is a great feeling to have nice looking wondows that are not falling apart and do not have to be propped open.

You see, we (My husband and I) bought this house from my parents back in June. I've lived here since I was 11 years old. It is an old house and needs a lot of work. We need to replace both doors, the heater, the sewer line from the outside of the house to where it connects to the city and we need to do some re-wiring. We also need to replant the yard, do some painting and put in a new fence. It is going to take a long time to accomplish all that.

Funds are low with my husband out of a job. We are only able to accomplish the windows because of a loan and some savings that we have. We allready had a contract for it when my husband was fired so we went ahead with it. He is off looking for work and doing some temp work through an agency. When he finds a new job and things get back to normal then we will make plans for more improvments around here.

Even with finite funds life is good. We have food storage and we have been doing some canning. We have enough money to keep current with our bills for several months.

My babies are asleep and I am enjoying a little me time at my computer. My daughter Emma is getting her first two teeth, she is nine months. Other than making her a bit restless, she is still her happy self. She smiles and laughs a lot. She gets around by rolling and scooting but no crawling. She does not have the physical drive my son has. He started moving at a young age and at 32 months he hardly ever seems to stop.

My husband just came up from playing video games. He wants me to come to bed. I can't argue as I am pretty tired.


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